Naperville Murder Defense Attorney
Providing Experienced Representation When The Stakes Are High
While violent crimes overall are often treated more harshly than other crimes, murder is likely to receive even more attention. Prosecutors devote more time and effort to murder cases. The impact that murders have on a community means that prosecutors will have extensive resources at their disposal when they are pursuing a murder conviction.
The mere fact that such resources can potentially be used against you does not mean that an effective defense is unavailable. With the help of an attorney who is experienced in defending individuals against murder charges, a successful defense strategy can be mounted.
The potential consequences for a murder conviction can mean decades in prison, and up until fairly recently, it could have meant the death penalty. The penalties for murder are among the most severe that a defendant can face. This makes it all the more important that you ensure that your rights are protected by an attorney who is qualified to be able to defend against murder charges.
At the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, our Naperville murder lawyer has more than 30 years of experience working in the Illinois criminal justice system. Since 1990, Attorney Philip Nathe has been in private practice offering exceptional criminal defense to individuals who are facing a wide range of criminal charges.
Speak With an Aggressive Naperville Murder Defense Attorney
You likely know the severity of the charges you face. Hiring an experienced defense attorney might mean the difference between freedom and incarceration. Let us help with a free consultation. Call our office at 630-416-7600 or toll free at 888-583-6197. You can also get in touch with us through our online contact form.
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