DuPage Count Hit-And-Run Defense Attorney
What Are The Consequences Of Leaving The Scene Of An Accident?
Leaving the scene of an accident (also known as hit-and-run) is a criminal charge, which is far more serious than an ordinary traffic violation. If you are convicted, your license may be suspended or revoked, and you will have a criminal record, which could negatively impact your future. You could even serve jail or prison time.
At the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, we have a solid understanding of how to mount an effective defense against hit-and-run, reckless driving, and other serious traffic offenses. As a criminal defense lawyer and former assistant state's attorney for DuPage County with more than 30 years of experience, Mr. Nathe will work hard to help you obtain the best possible outcome to your case. We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case.
What Is Leaving the Scene of an Accident?
In Illinois, any time you are involved in an accident resulting in property damage or personal injury, you are required to stop and lend assistance. Even if you are involved in a scrape in a parking lot where you did not realize that you hit anyone, you could face criminal charges for leaving the scene of an accident.
There are three classifications of hit-and-run charges:
- Failure to stop and render aid after an accident involving property damage only, which is a class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to 364 days in jail and a $2,500 fine.
- Failure to stop and render aid after an accident involving personal injury or death is a Class 4 felony, punishable by up to three years in prison and a $25,000 fine.
- A person who failed to stop as required following an accident involving personal injury or death must report the accident to law enforcement within 30 minutes. If the person was hospitalized and incapacitated, they should report the accident as soon as possible, but no later than 30 minutes after they are discharged from a medical facility. Failure to meet these requirements is a Class 2 felony in cases where an accident resulted in a personal injury and a Class 1 felony in cases where an accident resulted in someone's death.
Contact Our DuPage Count Hit-And-Run Defense Lawyer
To protect yourself from serious consequences, contact Naperville hit-and-run defense attorney Philip R. Nathe. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 630-416-7600, toll free at 888-583-6197, or simply contact us online.