DuPage County Underage Drinking Defense Attorney
Defending You Against Underage Drinking Charges
Underage drinking was once regarded by many as a rite of passage for adolescents. Under Illinois law, however, charges relating to underage drinking can come with significant penalties. A conviction for underage possession of alcohol can result in a driver's license suspension and other consequences.
If you are charged with possessing or consuming alcohol or driving under the influence (DUI) when you are under age 21 — or if your child is facing these charges — the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe can assist you. Mr. Nathe is a Naperville criminal defense attorney who can explain how you may be affected by the charge, and he can work to help you reduce the consequences of a conviction.
Consequences Include Driver's License Suspensions
Our office assists young adults charged with underage drinking in both juvenile and adult court. For a first underage drinking offense, you may receive a sentence that involves court supervision. The charge will not appear as a conviction on your record if you successfully complete court supervision. However, you will likely still lose your driver's license for at least three months, even if your underage drinking offense had nothing to do with driving a car. The suspension will appear on your driving record and could cause problems with insurance. If you are convicted of underage possession or consumption of alcohol, you will face a six-month driver's license suspension for a first offense or a one-year suspension for a second offense.
Other offenses, such as possessing a fake ID or buying alcohol with a fake ID, can result in more serious consequences. If you are underage, and you are caught driving with any amount of alcohol in your system, you may face harsh penalties. Illinois has a zero-tolerance policy for underage drivers, and unlike drivers over the age of 21, any amount of alcohol in your system could result in an arrest. If you are convicted of a zero tolerance violation, your driver's license will be suspended for three months for a first offense and one year for a second offense. A conviction for DUI in which you were driving while over the legal BAC limit of .08 percent will result in the same penalties as for an adult who is convicted of DUI, and you may face fines, prison time, and other consequences.
Contact Our Naperville Underage Drinking Defense Lawyer
If you are facing underage drinking or underage drinking and driving charges, we can explain the charges and potential consequences to you. We will discuss the case with you and determine whether you have potential defenses to the charges, and we will work to reduce the consequences on you and your future.
We offer free initial consultations to review your juvenile law matter. We accept Visa and MasterCard as payment. Call us at 630-416-7600, toll free at 888-583-6197, or contact us online.