DuPage County Criminal Sexual Assault Attorney
Preparing An Effective Defense For You
If you have been charged with criminal sexual assault, you know that the consequences begin as soon as you are arrested or accused. You may be suspended or fired from your job. You may have court restrictions preventing you from having contact with certain people. Friends and family members may avoid you.
With charges as devastating and serious as criminal sexual assault, you need a skilled attorney to protect your rights and defend you against these charges while you work to put your life back together. At the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, you will find a Naperville sex crimes defense lawyer who has defended people against all types of criminal charges for more than two decades.
Charges With Serious Consequences
A sexual assault charge is different and more serious than a sexual abuse charge. Under Illinois law, you may be charged with criminal sexual assault if you are accused of committing sexual penetration on the alleged victim without their consent. The act must occur:
- By the use of force or threat of force;
- When you knew that the alleged victim could not consent to the act;
- When the alleged victim was under age 18 and a family member; or
- When the alleged victim was between ages 13 and 17, and you held a position of trust or authority over that person;
This charge is generally a Class 1 felony that carries a potential sentence involving four to 15 years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines. Depending on your situation, you may be required to serve time in prison rather than receive probation. If you are convicted, you will be required to register as a sex offender.
If a charge is elevated to aggravated sexual assault, more serious penalties will apply. This offense may involve sexual assault that results in bodily harm to the victim, the use of date rape drugs, or other aggravating factors. Aggravated criminal sexual assault is a Class X felony, and in addition to being sentenced to up to 30 years in prison, an additional 10 to 25 years may be added to a sentence based on the circumstances of a case.
Contact Our DuPage County Sexual Assault Defense Lawyer
Given the severe penalties that you face for a conviction, retaining the right attorney is critical for defending against these charges. Mr. Nathe has experience as a probation officer and a prosecutor in addition to his extensive private criminal defense experience. Our firm can create a defense strategy that is effective at helping you obtain the best results possible for your criminal charges.
We accept Visa and MasterCard as payment, and we can arrange payment plans if necessary. Schedule a free initial consultation with our lawyer by calling 630-416-7600, toll free at 888-583-6197, or contacting us online.