- The Stigma of Sex Crimes Involving Teachers and Coaches
- The Evolution of Bullying: Criminalization of Internet Threats
- Snowball effect of pot legalization. Which state is next?
- SCOTUS ruling clarifies roommate consent to search under 4th amendment
- Say ‘sober’: Ignition interlock camera possible for first Illinois DUI
- Reminding teens about DUI penalties as prom season approaches
- Psychologist argues biological makeup big reason behind life of crime
- Pot breath tests coming soon. Will they be just as unreliable?
- New Illinois Law Means Retroactive Registration for Some Sex Offenders
- New clemency expansion gives hope to man serving double-life-in-prison
- New bill makes it much more difficult for authorities to seize assets
- Is a “Dog Sniff” Considered a Search?
- Instagram, Facebook photos often evidence in criminal convictions
- Illinois Politician Fined for First-Time DUI Offense
- Illinois’ Meritorious Good Time Program May Soon Be Making a Comeback
- Illinois “Good Samaritan” law protects those who report overdoses
- Eavesdropping Law Has Serious Implications for Those Accused of Illinois Drug Crimes
- Illinois Boaters: Operating While Drunk Carries Hefty Penalties
- Heroin Use on the Rise in Illinois’ Youth
- Federal marijuana arrests remain high despite nationwide acceptance
- Factors affecting breath test results may lead to wrongful charges
- Facebook post gets teen arrested for drunk driving
- Eyewitness Identification of Suspects Compelling, but Often Flawed
- U.S. Supreme Court protects cell phones from warrantless searches
- Why getting a lawyer who understands alternative sentencing options is important
- DuPage County “No Refusal” Weekend Targets Illinois Drunk Driving
- DuPage County announces new pretrial diversion program
- Drunk driving often linked to alcohol dependency
- Driver Found Asleep at Illinois McDonald’s Drive-thru Charged With DUI
- DOJ proposes changes to mandatory prison sentences for drug offenses
- Do Ignition Interlock Systems Reduce Repeat DUIs?
- Can Police Use Force to Draw a Blood Sample From a DUI Suspect?
- Astonishing cybercrime prison sentences from 2013 revealed
- An overview of the latest SCOTUS ruling involving DNA collection
- An Illinois DUI Is Devastating for Commercial Drivers
- Three ways law enforcement mishandle traffic stops in Illinois