Naperville Speeding Ticket Defense Attorney
Unchecked Speeding Violations Could Mean A Loss Of Your License
A speeding ticket may seem like a minor crime. But, kept unchecked, traffic violations can add up and make for serious penalties. Like many states, Illinois uses a point system for traffic law violations. The points add to your record once you pay your speeding ticket. After enough points accumulate over a year-long period, you may face a possible license suspension – not to mention higher insurance rates.
An experienced lawyer can help you fight traffic violation penalties. At the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, we know the right steps to get you a reduced penalty or dismissed ticket. Contact our office in Naperville for a free consultation to discuss your case.
High Speed, High Cost – Even Without a Prior Suspension
For a speeding violation of 1-10 mph over the limit in Illinois, you will receive 5 points. Speeding 11-14 mph over the limit will result in 15 points, and at a range of 15-25 mph over the speed limit, your driving record will accumulate 20 points. Going more than 25 mph over the limit will result in 50 points being added to your record.
If you receive three traffic violations within a 12-month period, your driver's license will be suspended. Even without a prior suspension on your record, accumulating just 15 points could cause you to lose your license for two months. Amassing 45 points may mean a license revocation of three months.
Do not dismiss your speeding violations by simply paying them and moving on. By paying a speeding ticket, you are essentially pleading guilty to the violation. By doing so, you could accept multiple violations that may make you eligible for a license suspension. To prevent the loss of your license, you may be able to contest a traffic ticket and avoid having points added to your record. You may also be able to avoid other consequences, such as increased auto insurance rates.
Penalties for Aggravated Speeding
Drivers ticketed for traveling at least 26 mph over the limit in Illinois will face criminal charges. These charges can lead to steeper penalties, including fines and jail time. Speeding 26-34 mph over the limit is a Class B misdemeanor, and a driver may be sentenced to up to six months in prison and fined up to $1,500. Speeding 35 mph over the limit or more is a Class A misdemeanor, which may result in up to one year in jail and fines of up to $2,500. Following a misdemeanor conviction, drivers will have a criminal record, which can have negative effects on a background check for employment, education, housing, and more.
Contact an Experienced Naperville Speeding Defense Lawyer
The higher the speed, the higher the points. The more violations, the greater chance you have of losing your right to get where you need to go. We can help. Call us at 630-416-7600 or toll free at 888-583-6197. You can also use our online contact form. Get in touch with us to schedule a free consultation today.