DuPage County Juvenile Sex Offenses Lawyer
Is Your Son Or Daughter Facing A Juvenile Sex Offense Charge?
Facing charges for a juvenile sex offense can be frightening for a minor as well as the parents of the youth. If a minor under the age of 17 is adjudicated delinquent for a sex offense, they could be contending with lifelong negative consequences.
While juvenile court judges have flexibility when it comes to sentencing, some delinquent acts do not come with second chances. Juvenile court judges can factor in whether the child would learn from their mistake and avoid trouble with the juvenile or adult legal system in the future. For sex offense cases, it is important to hire an experienced juvenile law attorney. At the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, we fight to protect the rights of juveniles, and we work to help them achieve the best possible outcomes in these difficult situations.
Experience and Knowledge of the Juvenile Justice System Can Help Your Child
Attorney Philip R. Nathe has more than 30 years of experience in the adult and juvenile criminal justice system, and he has practiced criminal defense since 1990. He understands how to provide a strong defense against juvenile sex offense charges as well as the specific issues juveniles face when they are adjudicated delinquent.
Attorney Nathe examines all sides of your child's circumstances to develop a strong defense. He further investigates whether the police and prosecutors violated your child's rights when the arrest was made. He is widely respected by juvenile court judges, and he will fight on your child's behalf for the optimal results.
Contact Our Naperville Juvenile Sexual Offenses Attorney
When your child is facing charges for a sex offense, you need an experienced juvenile criminal defense lawyer to protect your child's rights. Delinquent acts do not mean your child will carry a sentence forever. When your child's future matters, contact the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe in Naperville. Get your free consultation with attorney Philip Nathe by calling 888-583-6197 toll free or at 630-416-7600. You may also schedule a consultation by filling out our online contact form.