DuPage County DUI Drug Attorney
Defending You Against DUIs From Drugs
Charges of driving under the influence apply to more than just alcohol. In Illinois, you can be charged with DUI if you are caught driving under the influence of illegal drugs or even prescription drugs. Just because you have a prescription for medical marijuana or OxyContin does not mean you can drive under the influence of it or any other intoxicating substance.
At the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, you will find a Naperville DUI defense attorney who provides a strong and aggressive defense against charges of driving under the influence of drugs. With decades of criminal defense experience, Attorney Nathe understands how to defend you against these charges and how to minimize the consequences if you are convicted.
Help With Charges From Both Prescription and Illegal Drugs
Illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin, legal substances such as marijuana, and prescription drugs can result in a DUI charge.
You can be charged with DUI drugs even if you have a valid prescription for the drugs you took. Medications such as sedatives and antihistamines may weaken your judgment or slow your reaction time. Some prescription drugs can affect your driving when they are combined with even small amounts of alcohol. While these drugs are legal to possess and take with a prescription, you can be convicted of DUI if you are caught driving while under their effects.
The charge of driving under the influence of drugs is treated the same as a DUI involving alcohol. For a first offense, a conviction can result in a sentence that includes:
- Up to a year in jail
- Up to $2,500 in fines
- Suspension or revocation of your driver's license
Subsequent offenses within 10 years have much more severe potential penalties.
Contact Our Naperville Drugged Driving Defense Attorney
As with DUIs involving alcohol, prosecutors may attempt to prove a DUI drugs case using test results from blood or urine, testimony about how the car was being driven, the driver's appearance, and performance on field sobriety tests.
When our law firm represents you on a DUI drugs charge, we will pursue every possibility to beat the charges or seek a reduced offense. If we cannot achieve a dismissal, acquittal, or reduced charge, we will seek to lessen the stiff penalties and seek alternatives such as treatment or community service.
Schedule a free initial consultation with our attorney by calling 630-416-7600, toll free at 888-583-6197, or contact us online.