DuPage County Juvenile Assault Lawyer
Experienced Defense For Juvenile Assault Charges
Is your child facing assault or aggravated assault charges after a fight? School fights can unintentionally escalate in an instant. What starts out as a miscommunication between kids in a schoolyard can suddenly become a serious matter if your child accused of intentionally hurting another person, attempting to cause serious bodily harm, or threatening to cause harm with or without a deadly weapon. Hiring an experienced juvenile law attorney to address assault charges is the best option for your child's future.
At the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, we work with case workers and prosecutors to help a young person get the help he or she needs to avoid getting into trouble again. Call our office in Naperville toll free at 888-583-6197 or 630-416-7600 for a free consultation to learn more about how our experienced attorney can help your child.
Your Child Does Not Have to Suffer Harsh Penalties
Juvenile courts for children less than 17 years old are not like adult courts in that juvenile courts work to provide a system that offers rehabilitation opportunities for youth. Juvenile court judges and juvenile case workers generally provide young offenders another chance when it is clear that a youth is not indifferent to the harm caused and that they are willing to acknowledge they have made a mistake.
Juvenile courts have flexibility to consider your child's circumstances if the case comes to sentencing. It is important to keep in mind, however, that your child could face severe penalties without knowledgeable legal representation. In many cases, Attorney Nathe has successfully obtained court supervision for juvenile offenders. Under supervision, the delinquent act will not go on the child's record as long as he or she complies with the provisions set up by the juvenile court and stays out of trouble.
Sometimes, supervision is not granted by the court due to the level of the crime. If the judge does not grant supervision, a juvenile delinquency adjudication may include:
- Up to 30 days in a juvenile detention facility
- Probation
- Commitment to the Department of Corrections
Contact Our Naperville Juvenile Assault Charges Lawyer
When your child is facing charges for a delinquent act, you want the best outcome for them in the long run. The Law Office of Philip R. Nathe is dedicated to protecting the futures and the rights of minors who are facing charges for any criminal offense or delinquent acts. Contact us to set up a free consultation or call our office now to speak with an experienced lawyer at 630-416-7600 or toll free at 888-583-6197.