Naperville Domestic Battery Attorney
Lasting Impacts From Even Misdemeanor Charges
If you and your spouse or a family member are involved in a fight that is heated enough for law enforcement to respond, you or the family member may be charged with domestic battery. Often, domestic battery charges stem from relatively minor incidents, but they may have far-reaching consequences for you and your family.
At the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, you will find a Naperville domestic battery attorney who provides a skilled defense against domestic violence charges and works to reduce the consequences if you are convicted. Our team presents a strong defense for a range of criminal charges faced by clients in Naperville and the surrounding areas, including violent crimes and other types of offenses.
Consequences Include Orders of Protection and a Permanent Record
In a domestic battery situation, the only evidence prosecutors may have against you are scratches, bruises, and the testimony of the other party. Prosecutors can pursue a conviction even if the alleged victim does not wish to press charges. The consequences can begin as soon as you are arrested, and they may include:
- The court may issue an order of protection preventing you from having contact with the alleged victim, and as a result, you may not be able to stay in your home.
- If convicted of even a relatively minor charge, you still face the possibility of fines, jail time, and probation.
- You may be required to attend anger management classes or attend counseling.
- A conviction will become a part of your permanent criminal record, meaning potential employers, landlords and members of the public will be able to learn of your conviction.
You may be charged with domestic battery if you are accused of causing bodily harm to a member of your family, a person who lives in your household, or another person with whom you have a relationship, such as the other parent of your child, or a person you are dating or had dated in the past. These charges may apply even in seemingly minor incidents involving physical contact that is considered to be offensive or insulting, such as pushing someone or poking your finger in their chest. In most cases, domestic battery will be charged as a Class A misdemeanor, although Class 4 felony charges may apply if you have any prior convictions involving domestic violence, violent crimes, or sex crimes.
Contact an Experienced Naperville Domestic Battery Defense Lawyer
Our attorney has more than 30 years of experience as a private criminal defense lawyer, with prior experience as a prosecutor and a probation officer. As a result, Mr. Nathe knows how the state pursues convictions for domestic battery and how to defend against them. We will evaluate the strength of the state's case and the credibility of witnesses. We will determine whether you may be able to challenge the charge because of self-defense or because your constitutional rights were violated. In short, we will do whatever we can to seek a dismissal or acquittal or to reduce the consequences if a conviction is inevitable.
To learn more, schedule a free initial consultation by calling 630-416-7600, toll free at 888-583-6197, or contacting us online.