There were fewer DUIs in Illinois during 2020
Over the past year, more people have been home, and fewer people have been going out. For a significant portion of 2020, people were not in bars, restaurants and other places where alcohol is served. Because of this, statistics indicate there were fewer DUIs in Illinois over the course of 2020, but it is possible the number will rise as more people begin to function as normal in 2021.
The pandemic and traffic violations
The Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists releases an annual survey of all drunk driving arrests over the past year, and the 2020 report indicates the pandemic had a significant impact on certain behaviors. It is likely this decrease is related to limited restaurant and bar service during the majority of the shutdown. There were also fewer people on the roads at this time.
The number of DUI arrests was down in most jurisdictions that typically see high DUI numbers each year. Illinois police departments continue to make drunk driving enforcement a priority, especially as more people return to normal schedules. In addition to drivers under the influence of alcohol, some have said drivers under the influence of cannabis is also a growing concern.
The rights of drivers after arrest
A drunk driving arrest is a serious threat to a driver's future. In Illinois, the penalties may include time behind bars, expensive fines and more. Anyone facing these types of charges may benefit from working with an experienced defense attorney in order to understand the most appropriate way to fight back and preserve one's future interests.