The rights of those charged with sexual crimes
Facing criminal charges is a serious threat to an Illinois defendant's future, especially if that individual is charged with sex crimes. The stigma that comes with these allegations can have a significant impact on an individual's life, even if found not guilty. Those facing charges of sexual crimes would be wise to know their rights and how to protect their interests.
The penalties for a conviction of a sexual crime can include much more than the potential for time behind bars. It can lead to a loss of reputation, loss of future job opportunities, expulsion from educational programs and more. There may also be a requirement to register as a sex offender, which in turn impacts the job application process and housing options. It can have a detrimental effect for years to come.
An individual facing charges or the requirement to register as a sex offender can face various legal challenges going forward. Because of this, it is critical to have experienced guidance at every step, starting from the first hint of a criminal investigation. An Illinois defense attorney can help fight for favorable results or assist in post-conviction matters.
Sexual crimes can come with severe, life-altering penalties. Fighting back against these charges starts by seeking defense counsel promptly, even before charges are filed. Regardless of the nature of the charges someone is facing, that individual is guaranteed the presumption of innocence and has every right to challenge the case against him or her. He or she also has the right to pursue mitigated penalties after a conviction.