Can I Get a DUI Because of My Prescription Medication?
We are fortunate to live in a time when modern science and technology have developed medicines for a large variety of ailments. There are so many medications on the market that it is easy to just take something without stopping to think about it. However, some prescription drugs can affect you in certain ways, which is why some come with warnings about not operating heavy machinery while you take them.
You might have no idea you could potentially face legal trouble for just taking your medicine and going about your day, but some medicines can affect you enough that you could end up facing charges for driving under the influence (DUI). If you get pulled over when taking medicine and end up with a DUI charge, speak with a qualified Illinois criminal defense lawyer who can review your case and fight for your rights.
How Does Illinois Handle DUI Allegations?
Illinois law is pretty clear-cut when it comes to driving under the influence of alcohol, chemical substances, or controlled substances that can impair your driving abilities. Anything that can delay your reaction time, affect your vision or perception, or in any other way impact how you drive your car can get you into legal trouble.
What you might not realize is that even if you are taking a legally prescribed medication and following your doctor’s orders about the dosage, if you get pulled over, you could end up getting charged as well. Certain antihistamines, prescription cough syrup, Ambien, Valium, Xanax, codeine, and medical marijuana are common prescription medications whose sedative effects can impair your driving and result in DUI charges.
If you are accused of driving under the influence of prescription medication, you could be charged with a Class A misdemeanor, which typically carries a sentence of up to one year in jail and up to $2,500 in fines. Your driver’s license may also be suspended for a year and you could have mandatory community service. The penalties become more severe after a first offense, and after a third offense, you could face felony charges, which carry a sentence of three to seven years in jail and up to $25,000 in fines.
With such serious potential consequences, you need to protect yourself by hiring a knowledgeable and experienced lawyer who can help you understand your options.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Naperville, IL DUI Defense Attorney
If you are charged with DUI for taking your legally prescribed medication, speak with a skilled Naperville, IL criminal defense lawyer to give yourself the best chances of a favorable outcome. At Law Office of Philip R. Nathe, we are dedicated to providing trustworthy legal guidance to our clients and protecting their rights regardless of the charges. Call us at 630-416-7600 to schedule a free consultation.