Naperville Drug Charges Lawyer
An Attorney Who Will Fight Your Drug Charges
The government has incredible resources to investigate and prosecute drug crimes. However, the court also has many choices in how it deals with offenders. If you or a family member has been arrested on drug charges, you need a qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney to confront the prosecution's case and guide you toward less serious consequences.
Representation for State And Federal Drug Charges
The Law Office of Philip R. Nathe protects your Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure, and we strive to achieve the best possible outcome. Based in Naperville, Illinois, we represent clients throughout DuPage, Cook, Kane, Will, and Kendall counties in all state and federal drug-related charges, including:
- Drug possession charges
- Sale or intent to distribute illegal drugs or prescription pills
- Importing/drug trafficking
- Possession of drug paraphernalia
- Drug manufacturing and delivery (making crack cocaine, operating a meth lab)
Call 630-416-7600 for a free consultation.
Whatever it Takes
Many lawyers are unwilling to go to trial for their clients. Although a plea negotiation may turn out to be the best strategy, prosecutors are less likely to make a favorable deal if they believe your lawyer is reluctant to try the case in a courtroom.
Philip Nathe is a veteran criminal defense attorney with more than 30 years of criminal defense experience. His years of experience in the DuPage County justice system includes service as a courtroom clerk, probation officer, and assistant criminal prosecutor for the county. Clients have the triple advantage of his trial experience, his insider perspective, and his solid reputation. When Philip Nathe presents a defense, judges and prosecutors know it is no smoke screen but is instead backed by facts and thorough preparation.
We offer our skilled representation to those who are facing drug-related charges, including those based on:
- Marijuana
- Cocaine
- Crack
- Methamphetamine
- Opiates
- Heroin
- Violations involving prescription drugs (including OxyContin and Oxycodone)
Protecting Your Rights
Courts are under pressure to deal harshly with drug offenders. The Law Office of Philip R. Nathe believes firmly in every citizen's constitutional rights. We investigate the facts of your case to make sure law enforcement and the prosecutors have not infringed on your rights — including your right to remain silent, to have an attorney present during questioning, and your right against unreasonable search and seizure. Evidence collected in violation of your rights cannot be used to obtain a conviction. Suppression of illegally confiscated evidence dramatically weakens the prosecution's case against you.
Whether you are facing a drug arrest for misdemeanor marijuana possession or federal felony charges for drug trafficking, Philip Nathe seeks the most favorable outcome in your case. The courts have considerable latitude and options. For possession of small amounts, Attorney Nathe can argue for several options that will help you avoid a drug conviction, including:
- Drug court
- Drug school
- Section 10/first offender probation
- TASC (Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities)
In cases involving more serious drug charges or multiple offenses, a conviction with probation, jail, or prison time may be unavoidable. If the case cannot be dismissed on constitutional or procedural grounds, Mr. Nathe is a skilled negotiator who will fight for a reduced or alternative sentence to gain the best outcome possible under the circumstances.
Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation With a Naperville Drug Crimes Attorney
If you are facing drug charges, you might hire an inexpensive attorney and regret it, getting what you pay for. However, you will not regret retaining the Law Office of Philip R. Nathe. Contact an experienced drug crimes attorney online or by calling 630-416-7600 to learn how we can help you defend against Illinois drug charges. We offer a free consultation, accept credit cards as payment, and can arrange payment plans if necessary. Call soon to protect your rights!